Creating a place for
in your everyday life.
Founded in 2004 by Carrie Ann Carr, MA, LCPC for the purpose of encouraging people to move past personal and professional obstacles in order to reach their fullest potential, Hope Enrichment Center is a private psychotherapy practice with a private mental health practice with various locations in IL, MS and TN. We provide individual counseling for persons ages 7+, couples/relationship counseling, family counseling and professional life coaching services for those seeking health, balance, and abundant lives.

LGBTQIA+ Inclusive
At Hope Enrichment Center, you are accepted just as you are.
No matter how you identify or who you love, you will always find the help and treatment needed to embrace and succeed in your life.
Animals and therapy are best when combined together.
At the Hope Enrichment Center, some of our therapists may choose to bring their companions to therapy, and cats or dogs may be present. Look for the “Pet Friendly” badge on our therapist’s pages.

Contact your HEC office for more information, or special accommodations due to phobias or allergies.